Emiline with flowers

From the smallest project to the largest undertaking, Emiline was always there to see it through. While it is bittersweet, we at DeLoach, Hofstra & Cavonis, P.A. (DHC) and Seminole Title Company (STC) want to congratulate our beloved Emiline on her retirement after 26 years of loyal and dedicated service. We truly wish her well in this next phase of her life.


Dennis R. DeLoach Jr. (DHC/STC, 1976-Present)

Dennis R. DeLoach Jr. with Emiline

Emiline, we will miss you, your big smile, your upbeat attitude, your flowers and your always pleasant and upbeat voice. You have been the “voice of DHC” for years, and you will be missed by all. Best wishes with your retirement.

Jill Iacopelli, retired Paralegal to Dennis R. DeLoach Jr. (1989–2017)

Jill and Emiline celebrating anniversary

Congratulations to my dear friend! You will love retirement! The day you walked into D&H my life changed for the better as I gained a wonderful friend! We raised our kids together, celebrated weddings and our grandchildren, we shared deep sadness when our parents passed away and we rejoiced in each other blessings! I admire you, love you and couldn’t be more happier for you! Hugs my friend!

Monica Case, Injury Law Paralegal (DHC, 1996-Present)

Monica and Emiline

Sharing our work lives for 25 years has been an amazing journey together filled with laughter and tears and so many special moments.  What fun we had watching our boys grow up. You will be missed.  All my love and blessings. 

Pam Alexander, Processor (STC, 1997-Present)
We've known each other for 25 years and boy have we seen the changes over the years! You're always so friendly and willing to help out. It won't be the same without you here and without your perky phone answering skills. Needless to say whoever ends up being your replacement has some big shoes to fill in that department. It was a pleasure when my brother and I catered your wedding reception at your house when you and Petey got married. I know how much you loved and appreciated it and glad I was part of that special day! I wish you much happiness in your retirement and future volunteer work. May you and Petey have many more happy years together. You will certainly be missed. Don't be a stranger be sure and come by some time for a visit. Take care and love ya my friend! 


Karen Snyder, Real Estate Paralegal (DHC, 1997-Present)
I love you, my dear friend!  Congratulations on your retirement!  The memories and the laughs we shared together are priceless.  You are an amazing, kind person who I cherish.  I wish you health and happiness in your retirement.  Always your friend, Karen Snyder.


Pattie Robinson, Processor (STC, 1997-Present)

Emiline and Pattie at the park

Emiline, You have always been the Air Traffic Control for the office DeLoach, Hofstra, Cavoinis, P.A. and Seminole Title Company and you are always the most professional spokesperson for every Attorney, employee, client that walked through the door and called our office. I always loved it when a client would say “I want what she is on”, because you always gave them the reassurance that they were heard and would be helped through every situation.  Every day you provided professional confidentiality and reassurance and grace.  When extra grace was required you extended extra grace.  If clients were not proficient in their request you pointed them in the correct direction.  The list of extra duties you provided is very extensive.  You always gave it your all.  Your gift as a florist goes beyond words, you provided us flowers every single day.  You are a blessing and will continue to bless everyone in your walk with retirement.  We are going to miss you and we are better to have spent time with you. Thank you! 


D. “Rep” DeLoach III, Estate Planning and Board Certified Elder Law attorney (2001–present)

Rep and Emiline

Emiline, you will not be at our front desk anymore but you will always be in our hearts.  Your positive attitude, your energy, your love for our clients and love for our law firm was a bright light to so many people.  So many good times, good people, heartbreaking moments, deaths of loved ones and more. You always represented us well, always kept a smile. Judge Greer, in the darkest times of the Terry Schiavo case, would call us just to hear your voice.  I always knew that whatever was going on in the outside world, our clients could count on you. You made an indelible mark on all of us, and we have been so fortunate to have you for all of these years. Thank you for being you.


Jennifer Rosenberg, Injury Law Paralegal (DHC, 2005-2023)
Emiline, you were the first person I met when I interviewed at the firm back in 2005. You were so kind to me when I was a nervous young woman in a new town. Your warmth and kindness truly represented the friendly, family-oriented organization you've served for so long. We are a better company for having you as the face and voice of the office, and you are truly irreplaceable. Enjoy your hard-earned retirement!


Jerry Gude, Former Office Administrator (DHC & STC 2005-2015)
Emiline: I am truly thankful for having known you and worked with you for the past 16 years. Through many "highs" and a couple of "lows", I felt we always had a special bond and respect for one another. I hope you and Petey enjoy your retirement years together and you have more special time with your grandchildren. I am sure the Firm will miss you as will most of the clients who you always met with a special greeting.


Tammy Dina, Estate Planning and Elder Law Paralegal (DHC, 2005-Present)
It is a sad day here for DeLoach Hofstra & Cavonis as we say goodbye to the face and voice of our law firm. She was the face that welcomed me on the day I came to interview here nearly 17 years ago and she has been the voice of compassion and reason during my time here since. She goes above and beyond for us each day to field a high level of calls and has a way to make all those walk-in’s feel the welcome that we promise on our sign. To say that Emiline is special is an understatement. She was truly like our office mom- and I will miss seeing her smiling face every day. Walking in the doors will never be the same again. Emiline- we will miss you dearly, but we wish you all the best! Go out there and enjoy your retirement and don’t forget to stop by and visit us (and possibly water our half-dead plants 😊). ~ Your friend, TTD


April Ellison, Estate Planning Paralegal (DHC, 2010-Present)
Congratulations on your retirement! Wishing you the best of health, happiness, and success on your new journey in life.  Thank you for being a friend, and one of the hardest workers I know. You will be greatly missed! Enjoy retirement, Emiline.


Lorry Feldmeyer, Probate Paralegal (DHC, 2011-Present)
Emiline: Congratulations on your retirement!  You will truly be missed by all.  
Your smiling face and warm welcome to both co-workers and clients are unmatched.  I will miss your smiling face each morning as I arrive at the office.  I really don't think anyone can fill your shoes.   You've made such a difference for so many people who have been touched by your beautiful soul.  I'm so grateful to be one of them. I wish you all the best in your retirement.  However, I hope we still see you once in a while for lunch or something.  I hope you continue to think of me each year when you wear your snowflake pendant. All the best to you, my friend. Love always, Lorry

Gloria Centonze, Elder Care Coordinator (DHC, 2013-Present)
Dear Emiline, Somethings cannot be replaced and you are one of them. I know this isn’t good-bye but more like I’ll see you later. Morning greetings will not be the same, nor will the days that you fill with so much kindness and love you show everyone who walks through the doors of DeLoach Hofstra & Cavonis. Much Love, Gloria

Joe Murphy, Civil Litigation and Board Certified Real Estate Attorney (DHC/STC, 2012-Present)
Emiline, You are truly one of a kind. Such a warm and thoughtful person who we are all better for having had the privilege to work with. The office will be a little less bright without you here but we wish you all the best with you future ministry efforts. As the saying goes "Faithful servants never retire. They may retire from their careers, but they never retire from serving the Lord."

Simone DeLoach, Director of Marketing (DHC & STC, 2015-Present)

Simone and Emiline

Congratulations on your retirement, Emiline! Thank you for your fierce loyalty, unwavering dedication, and willingness to always roll up your sleeves for the good of all. We were so fortunate to have your lovely face and welcoming nature be the first thing anyone encountered when entering our offices. You are true blue and will be missed beyond measure. Please stop by the marketing offices often to "play in the dirt" where we rooted, grew, and strengthened not only our plants but also our wonderful friendship!

Kathy Carpenter, Realtor Liaison & Licensed Title Agent (STC, 2015-Present)
I am so happy for you, my friend. You made me feel welcome from day one. I so enjoyed having you as a Zumba partner. I am blessed to have worked with you and I hope you keep in touch with us! You are always welcome here and you can answer the phones when you visit if you want to-lol. Wishing you much happiness ahead. Love you and I will miss you.


Ashleigh Fisichella, Marketing Coordinator (DHC, 2016-Present)

Ashleigh and Emiline

Where to start...Emiline you are truly one of a kind, you are always thinking of how you can help everyone and put everyone at the office first. You are a true gem! I am so happy that I have gotten to experience working with someone who is so dedicated to not only the business but to the people you work with. I will truly miss you and wish you all the best! Anyone you take care of is lucky to have you!

Christine O'Neil, Former Estate Planning and Elder Law Attorney (DHC, 2016-2022)
When I was talking with Emiline the other day, she was telling me how she used play golf, but this declined in recent years because she could not devote the time necessary to craft her skill, and "she just can't be average." This is the perfect description of Emiline. From her above par service to our clients, to her aspirational service to her church, to showing her fierce love of family and friends by taking that extra meaningful step to make them smile, nothing about Emiline is "average." She is always thoughtful and genuine. She is extraordinary, and even though we are all sad to see her leave, we know whatever she sets out to do in this next chapter of her life, she will be nothing short of exceptional. Emiline, we are all grateful to have known you and we wish you the best of luck.


Sharon Touchton, Retired Paralegal (DHC, 2017-2024)
Congratulations, Emiline; I hope retirement means spending time doing the things you love, such as gardening. I will miss getting my fresh flowers each week but will smile each Monday thinking of you tending to your garden. I am going to miss you.


Best King, Estate Planning and Elder Law Paralegal (DHC, 2017-Present)
Congratulations, Emiline! You have always been such an integral part of the law firm, and I'm so sad to see you go but also so happy for you on your retirement! Your professionalism and grace are unmatched. We are all going to miss you and your bubbly, bright personality! Best wishes for a beautiful retirement! 

Jerry Kleber, Cheif Operating Officer (DHC, 2018-Present)
Emiline, I am so happy for you and grateful for the endless number of times you took the front-line defense in screening phone calls; helped me on countless numbers of projects; and being one of my dear friends and colleague. I wish you and PD all the best with your new ministry in serving others, just like you have for all of us, our clients, customers and friends of DeLoach, Hofstra & Cavonis and Seminole Title Company. Your beautiful smile and love in your heart does make a difference in everyone you meet. Well done, you good and faithful servant.

Becky Brandt, Probate Paralegal (DHC, 2018-Present)
Congratulations on your retirement, Emiline! I will miss seeing your smiling face each morning and the family updates!! If I know you, I'm sure that you will be just as busy (if not more) in retirement, and I hope you enjoy every second of it! Your energy and cheer will be greatly missed, but I wish you all the joy in the world because you deserve it!


Carissa McGee, Processor (STC, 2018-Present)
Congratulations on your retirement Emiline! It has been a pleasure knowing you as a friend and colleague over the years. Your flowers in the restrooms always make me smile. You always have such a positive attitude and a helpful spirit. I hope your retirement is as fabulous as you are! You will be missed so much.

Becky deMaCarty, Trust Administration (DHC, 2018-Present)
Emiline – after reading all the comments from everyone, I have to say ditto to all of the above. It’s been such a joy working with you these past 3 years and four months! I know that you will bless others as you have blessed us all these years.  Congratulations and all the best!  Love, Becky d.


Mary Hinton, Probate Paralegal (DHC, 2019-Present)
Enjoy retirement, Emiline! Your warm smile and laugh will be missed beyond words. I'm so grateful that I got to know you and appreciate the kindness you showed to me during my difficult transition to DHC. It really mattered and softened the hard days. Wishing you every good thing in life as you begin the next chapter.

Alexa Kunzig, Licensed Title Agent & Closer (STC, 2019-Present)
Emiline, Congratulations on, not your retirement, but a new journey! It is so wonderful that you get to leave a job you love and move on to something that I'm sure you will love just as much, if not more! You will be missed dearly as you have touched so many of us here at the office. I will never forget the kind words you shared with me through one of the most difficult times I've had in my life. You did not even know me then as I was a brand new employee here at the office, but that didn't matter to you, you were so sympathetic and I will be forever grateful. Your love knows no bounds and you bring light everywhere you go! I can't think of anyone better to take on this new role you are assuming - you will bring your patients love and light as well! I am so happy for you and everyone who gets to enjoy your presence next!


Michael Cavonis, Probate and Probate Litigation Attorney (DHC, 2019-Present)
A story you've told me that has stuck is that one of your first office functions was a baby shower for my mother while she was pregnant with me. That story highlights how much I associate the office with you, and how strange it will feel having you gone. I have always appreciated how welcoming you have made me feel and I am sure many other employees and clients would say the same. I greatly appreciate all of our conversations about our faith which I can see exudes through you daily. I know you will stay very busy with your volunteer work, but you deserve some restful moments if you will allow yourself some. You will be sorely missed, but I am very happy you will get to work with Pete and pursue a new calling.

Chantal Guilbault, Business Office Administrative Assistant (DHC, 2020-Present)
Congratulations Emiline!!!!! I hope you enjoy retirement and find joy with your family and with all your projects. I will always be grateful for your kindness and support when I started working here after being off the workforce for so long and with all that I had been through. We will definitely miss you, please don't be a stranger. Big hugs, Chantal


Robert Case, Office Runner (DHC, 2020-Present)
I will miss you George. Love, Ralph


Emily Poole, Licensed Title Agent & Closer​ (STC, 2020-2022)
Thank you for always being a bright spot in the day! You were a friendly face from the day I started, and I always appreciate how much you help us out!

Amy Hernandez, Public Benefits Coordinator (DHC, 2021-Present)
Congratulations on your retirement, Emiline! Thank you for your constant positivity and encouragement in all that you've shown me. I will miss the flowers throughout the office, and our little getaways for lunch, you are truly one of a kind. I hope all the best for you in all that you do, you will be greatly missed my friend.


Margaux Herodet, Licensed Title Agent & Closer​ (STC, 2021-Present)
Although I haven’t had the pleasure of knowing Emiline as long as most, in this short time I’ve learned that Emiline has a heart of gold. Emiline is kind, giving, smart; she’s the first one who will go out of her way to make sure that everything and everyone is good to go, with her contagious smile and pleasant voice. Emiline is not just a receptionist, she is essentially our “mom” of our family here at DeLoach, Hofstra & Cavonis. I believe she is the reason most of our clients have gravitated towards our firm; when clients call our office for the first time and hear her friendly voice, one can tell she’s smiling as she speaks with them and is truly sincere. This woman does it all, from being the face of DHC, being a mother and grandmother, and helping the woman at her church – Emiline does, truly, have a heart of gold. Happy Retirement Emiline! I wish you nothing but happiness and good health in your next chapter. And, most importantly, have fun!


Lena Trehy, Former Processor (STC, 2021-2022)
Congratulations on your retirement, Emiline! I am so excited for you to start this new chapter in your life, but I will miss seeing your smiling face everyday. In a short amount of time we have become like family and I am so thankful for that! I will always remember our time at the front desk together with a smile, because you made it truly wonderful!

Casandra Pyle-Batcho, Former Processor (STC, 2021-2022)
Happy retirement and congratulations! It's been a pleasure to work with you and I wish you all the best with all the good things to come. Your little vase of flowers always put a smile on my face.


Devan Farrell, Former Receptionist (STC, 2021-2022)
Congrats on your retirement Emiline! Although I have not known you long, I am very blessed to have worked alongside you these past few months. I will truly miss you!

Simone B. DeLoach
Connect with me
Director of Marketing
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