Car insurance holder with accident report and accident checklistStay Organized and Prepared

DeLoach, Hofstra & Cavonis, P.A. is currently offering Florida drivers’ free car insurance holders for you to place inside your vehicle. For your convenience, place your vehicle's insurance card as well as your registration card inside this sleeve and store it in the glove compartment of your automobile. 

Also included in this packet:

1) What to do at the scene of an accident checklist.

2) Auto Accident Report Guide.

Simply fill out the form on this page and we will mail you a car insurance holder and helpful accident information for free. We want to help you stay organized and know exactly what to do in the unfortunate event you are involved in an automotive accident. The moments following an accident can be filled with panic and confusion, which is why we want this information in the glove compartment of as many people as possible. You can also email us a copy of your automobile policy so we can ensure you are properly covered before an accident.


Paul R. Cavonis
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Injury Law and Board Certified Civil Trial Attorney