John and Patricia Testimonial (Transcript)
John: I was going into the Publix parking lot, this is over on Indian Rocks Road and as I turned to go in there, I was going maybe two, three miles an hour, a woman was coming out of the hardware store, which was right next door, and speeds into the parking lot and she just rammed right into it. I didn't even think about contacting attorney, seemed like a minor thing. And her insurance company contacted me and I contacted my insurance company, State Farm. And her insurance company was giving me a hard time.
John: When the insurance company started giving me a hard time I said, my wife said, why don't we go contact a lawyer? So that's what we did. We came here and I guess we talked to Mr. Cavonis and Monica. Everybody was very nice about it. He gave us, originally when he started, he said he had three or four offers and we turned them all down.
He suggested we turn them all down and finally we got to a compromise, we had a settlement.
Patricia: It's a fine organization we've been here several times for different things and everybody has treated us just royal. We never had any problems. They call us back.
They're very courteous people and really very efficient. No complaints about this organization at all.