Sandy's Medicaid Planning Testimonial (Transcript)
We came to your office because another family member of ours, a cousin, had used your firm for their parents, my aunt, and my uncle. You did such a wonderful job for my cousin and my aunt and uncle that she could not recommend you highly enough for us, and our family to come to you for our problems.
My sister and I are only two siblings, and we look after a 91, and a 92-year-old parent. My sister and I are in our early 60s, and we find ourselves with parents who didn't think they were going to live that long who now have a need for medical care, and need for other home health, as well as assisted living. They had, by this time, run through a great portion of their funds, and my sister and I needed a way to continue to care for them in a compassionate way.
When my cousin recommended your firm, and I wish that I had come here three years sooner than when I did, we found ourselves in the best position ever. We met Tammy, we met Mary Lou, and we found that the two of them were like long lost sisters to us. They sat down with us and explained the different methodologies that we could use to protect what was remaining of their assets, how to continue to use their assets for ongoing care, and what government assistance might be possible to us if we just did it the right way.
Frankly, my sister and I didn't really know what the right way was, so coming here we found that meeting with Rep, Rep had an extensive background on how the Veterans Administration worked, how the Department of Children's and Family Services worked, as well as Mary Lou's experience with all the assisted living facilities, and her background in working with the Department of Children's and Family Services. She knew who to call, what to say, how to create logons and passwords, how to input information. It's phenomenal.
Tammy, she was able to take all of our parents' financial asset and categorize them for us. By categorizing them correctly she was able to help us with creating a qualified income trust, which gave us some of the extra income to be able to take care of my parents in a much better way than if I had to rely only on Medicaid to look after them at 91 and 92.
All of your staff's attention to detail, willingness to return phone calls quickly, to make phone calls on our behalf, to research what the laws might possibly be, because we were a new thing with a husband, and a wife having veterans' benefits, as well as looking for Medicaid benefits. Actually, the two of them together have been a phenomenal relief, they have taken so much of the stress off of my sister, and I trying to figure out how we were going to care for them.
I could not think of a more compassionate, careful, considerate, knowledgeable, professional group of people than your firm. We have been so pleased and blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know you, and to have you on our side as part of our team helping us care for our parents.