Many people are often shopping for attorneys upon a loved one's death. Our preferred method on starting any probate is to get together for a free initial consultation. In our initial consultation, we will likely send you a questionnaire to complete to assist everyone. We would review the completed questionnaire, review the decedent’s assets, the estate planning documents (i.e., will and/or trust), and then quote you a fee for our services.
Our office general charges a fee in accordance with Florida Statutes 733.6171. Under the Florida Statutes, an attorney is entitled to a “reasonable fee” to act as the estate’s attorney. Generally, a reasonable fee under the Florida Statutes is 3% of the probate estate’s inventory value on the first $1,000,000. An example is as follows:
The estate inventory showed a gross value of $200,000, which consisted of bank accounts, stocks and bonds. According to the statute, a reasonable attorney’s fee would be $6,000 (3% of $200,000).
Every situation is different so we will be more than happy to meet, review the probate, and quote you a fee for our services in our initial meeting so that there are no surprises.
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