Your pet is part of your family. You should do what you can to ensure the health and well-being of your beloved friend. While statistics are hard to come by, it is generally estimated that about 7 million companion animals are placed in animals shelters every year. Of those animals, some 10-15% (some 700,000 to 1,000,000) of them are owner surrenders due to the owner's death or incapacity. One way to make sure your pet is taken care of is with a pet trust.
Attorney D. “Rep” DeLoach, III is a former Board Member of SPCA Tampa Bay and he is recognized as a local expert in Pet Trusts. He wants to help make sure your pets are taken care of in an efficient and effective manner possible so that your wishes are followed and that your loved ones are properly taken care of.
Make Arrangements For Your Favorite Companion
- Extensive training and research in pet trust planning
- Practical advice for your specific situation
- Compassion for pets and animals
- Great estate planning advice
What You Should Know About Pet Trusts
Pet trusts can be complicated, but that does not mean that your planning has to be complex. Whether you want to leave a little bit of money to care for a loved animal or a lot, our law firm has experience in drafting these as part of your estate plan. When looking to create a pet trust, you would want to consider the following:
- How much money would you want set aside upon your death to care for an animal?
- Who would be in charge of the money?
- Who could/would be the pet's caretaker?
- Upon your pet's death, where would the remainder funds be distributed?
Watch our Pet Planning Seminar
We would be glad to work with you to make sure you, and your companion animal, are correctly provided for! If you want to learn more, please feel free to sign up for one of our free pet planning seminars.