Deloach Hofstra + Cavonis, PA is dedicated to serving the local community through fundraising events, advocacy, and sponsorship. Read more about the organizations, the events we organize, and how you can request sponsorship from dhcCares.
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Seminole City Center Corvettes vs All Makes & Models Benefit Car & Truck ShowAttorney Paul Cavonis and the DHC team were at the Seminole City Center Corvettes vs All Makes & Models Benefit Car & Truck Show. Watch the event video here!
Hats on to the ArtsThe Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) Collectors Circle hosted a fun-filled cocktail party at the St. Petersburg Yacht Club in celebration of the arts on May 13. 2021.
4th Annual DHC/STC Presidents’ Day Chili Cook-Off!Congratulations to our probate paralegal for winning the 4th Annual Presidents’ Day Chili Cook-Off! Several staff members competed in this year's cook-off.
Thank you to the HEALTHCARE HEROES at Palm Garden of Largo!Board Certified Elder Law Attorney Rep DeLoach and his elder law team wanted to say THANK YOU to all the healthcare heroes that work at Palm Garden of Largo.
THANK YOU HEALTHCARE HEROES at Arden Courts of Seminole!We wanted to celebrate the HEALTHCARE HEROS of Arden Courts with some treats!
2021 SPCA Tampa Bay Pet Walk in Downtown St. PeteThe Pet Walk is one of the biggest fundraising events at SPCA Tampa Bay. Come join us at the walk and help raise funds to rescue and rehab homeless animals.
SPCA Tampa Bay Whiskers at Work 2019Our law firm greeted and cuddled homeless pets in our office from a non-profit animal shelter which was mutually beneficial for our staff and the pets.
SPCA Pet Walk Kick-Off Event: Whiskers at Work 2018Our firm was greeted by homeless pets from SPCA Tampa Bay, a non-profit animal shelter, for cuddling and de-stressing during a program called Whiskers at Work.