The entire team at DeLoach, Hofstra & Cavonis, P.A. is proud to help veterans get the veteran's benefits available to them. Dealing with an aging loved one often involves accessing his or her VA benefits to help pay for their care and provide for their health care. But applying for VA benefits can be confusing to all parties, to say the least. D. "Rep" DeLoach III is accredited by the VA to assist in identifying and applying for the correct benefits.
Pension (including "Aid and Attendance")
- Monetary Payments to qualified Veterans and their surviving spouse
- Based upon the applicant's income and assets
- Intended to help with the applicant's extraordinary medical costs (such as assisted living)
2012 Maximum Pension Rates for Aid and Attendance
- Single Veteran $1,704.00 per month
- Married Veteran $2,020.00 per month
- Widowed Spouse $1,094.00 per month
Quick Facts: Navigating Pension Issues
- An attorney's help is generally only needed when assets exceed the appropriate amount.
- Beware of salesmen who want to sell products (annuities, life insurance, funeral trusts) in order to qualify you for VA benefits.
- Pension was created to help needy veterans and their dependents. The program, referred to as "Aid and Attendance," is only a benefit level for pension.
Qualifying for Pension
- Veteran must have served at least ninety days active duty with one day of the ninety during a qualified ware period. (Ninety days must generally be consecutive, with some exceptions.)
- Veteran must have had an other than "Dishonorable" discharge.
- Claimant's physician must declare him/her as housebound and in need of assistance from another individual, which may include services offered by assisted living.
- Claimant should have limited household assets; there is no longer a current asset cap, per se. The VA now considers the claimant's life expectancy in determining how much a claimant can have.
- Widowed spouse must have been married to the veteran for at least one year.
You Need Elder Law Attorneys Experienced In Veteran's Benefits
DeLoach, Hofstra & Cavonis, P.A. is a full service law firm that is dedicated to serving veterans in Largo, Pinellas Park, Seminole, the Beaches and throughout Pinellas County. We are large enough to have the skills, experience and resources to handle your elder law and VA issues. If you have questions or concerns that you'd like to discuss with us, give us a call at 727-397-5571 or contact us online any time.